Choosing Lights

The app will ONLY find bulbs which have already been connected to your local WiFi network.

All available lights are listed under “Current Location” in the settings page.

You can select or deselect a light with a long press on the light name.

Tapping the accessory button will give you access to all settings available for the light.

Light Settings

Control selects or deselects the light.

Calibrate adjusts the colour temperature of the light to the true colour temperature. This may be useful if you are mixing lights from different manufacturers. 

If you activate this setting it will adjust the minimum and maximum colour temperature of the light.

Offset for a light specifies the percent duration of the sunrise after which the light will turn on. If you are controlling a switch it is the number of minutes before sunrise that the switch will turn on.

If you activate Zones on a LIFX light with this feature, as well as dimming the light, the number of zones activated will be proportional to the brightness.

Direction will determine the direction in which the zones of the LIFX light are turned on.