Drug Library

You can enter or delete drugs from the drug library in Drug & Fluid Preferences->Drugs.

To edit a drug click on the drug name. To add click Add.

Delete will delete the currently selected drug.

The printout contains the primary drug name and any additional drugs.

The name in the Name field is used for drug entry.

If you only want to give the drug as bolus doses, click Can Bolus. If you want it to be available for infusions, click Can Infuse.

Additional drugs can be added in three configurations.

     Free dose means that you will have to enter the dose manually, each drug dose separated from the previous one by a ‘/’ in the Drug entry dialog.

     Concentration means that the dose will be calculated automatically according to the volume given.

      Ratio will calculate the drug dose as a ratio of the primary drug.

In the example above, if you type 2.5mg for the neostigmine dose when entering a drug bolus, it will automatically calculate 2.5*0.24 = 1.2mg for the dose of glycopyrrolate.