Suggested Level of Knowlege: Detailed


BT_GS 1.55 Describe the concept of depth of neuromuscular blockade and explain the use of neuromuscular monitoring

Past SAQs

2011.2, 2008.1 Describe the terms train-of-four stimulation and double burst stimulation with respect to the peripheral nerve stimulator. Describe their advantages and disadvantages when used to evaluate non-depolarising neuromuscular blockade.

2011.1 Compare and contrast a single twitch and a tetanic contraction in a skeletal muscle fibre.

2010.1 Describe the methods of determining depth of neuromuscular block and list the advantages and limitations of each.

1999.1 Explain the phenomena known as fade and post tetanic facilitation associated with the use of neuromuscular blocking agents.

NMJ Measurement