Suggested Level of Knowlege: Detailed


BT_SQ 1.6 Describe the methods of measurement applicable to anaesthesia, including clinical utility, complications and sources of error in particular:

· SI units

· Measurement of volumes, flows, and pressures, including transducers.

· Measurement of blood pressure

· Measurement of cardiac output

· Measurement of temperature

· Oximetry

· Gas analysis, including capnography

· Methods used to measure respiratory function, including:

- Forced expiratory volume  

-  Peak expiratory flow rate  

-  Vital capacity  

-  Flow-volume loops  

-  Functional residual capacity and residual volume

Past SAQs

2013.2, 2011.2, 2007.1 Describe the effects of resonance and damping on an invasive arterial blood pressure tracing. 

2003.1, 2000.2 Briefly describe the principles and sources of error in the measurement of systemic arterial blood pressure using an automated oscillometric non-invasive



Blood Pressure Measurement